Aradon Wikia


  • /marry - List all marry commands
  • /marry <playername> <playername> - Marries two players, only for priests
  • /marry divorce <playername> - Divorces two players, only for priests
  • /marry list - Shows all married players
  • /marry tp - Teleports to the partner
  • /marry sethome - Sets the home for two married players
  • /marry home - Teleports to the home of married players
  • /marry chat - Allows to chat a couple private
  • /marry chat toggle - Toggles the chat to send all chat messages to the partner instead of to the public
  • /marry pvpon - Turns PvP between two married players on
  • /marry pvpoff - Turns PvP between two married players off
  • /marry kiss - To kiss your partner
  • /marry gift - Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
  • /marry backpack - Opens the backpack of your partner
  • /marry backpack on - Allows your partner to use your backpack
  • /marry backpack off - Disallows your partner to use your backpack
  • /marry me - Sends a player a marry request
  • /marry priest <playername> - Sets a priest
  • /marry listenchat - Shows the marry chat
  • /marry reload - Reloads the configuration of the plugin

